International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

(4103) Flood
1 - A relatively high flow or stage in a river, markedly higher than the usual; also the inundation of low land that may result therefrom. A body of water, rising, swelling and overflowing the land not usually thus covered. 2 - A flood wave travelling down a river system as well as a storm surge (i.e. a tidal wave combined with wind setup and heavy wave attack). According to the sources of the excess waters, floods can be classified into at least five categories : (a) Floods caused by snow melting in mountainous regions resulting in excess water in the lower valley areas. (b) Floods caused by the onrush of surges due to cyclonic storms in the oceans together with sea waves. (c) Floods caused by heavy rainfalls in excess of the conveyance capacities of rivers and other natural and man-made drainage channels. (d) Floods caused by ice jams, glacial debris, landslide debris dams and ice breakings in the upper reaches of rivers generally known as spring floods. (e) Floods caused by failure of man-made structures like dams, barrages, levees, and control structures.

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